Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides
Certified SOLUGEL® grass-fed collagen peptides are our solution for pure and sustainably sourced collagen peptide supplements. The cattle are raised outdoors, grazing grass all year long, and they are free from hormones, antibiotics, and anabolic steroids.
The raw material sourcing and production process are certified by LIAF Control SRL., a member of American Grassfed Association.
Download the brochureWhy is SOLUGEL® certified grass-fed a must-have?
- The cattle are raised outdoors on pasture or range 365 days per year with free access to fresh grass, air, land and water. The cattle are free-range.
- Confinement for feeding purpose is forbidden unless weather conditions pose risks for the animals.
- Free from hormone application, antibiotics, antimicrobial substances such as growth promoters, anabolic steroids, synthetic drugs, animal proteins such as meat meal, bones, blood and fat from animals.