Salmon mousse: recipe
TEXTURA™ Tempo B : 7 g (2.16 %)
Olive oil : 21 g (6.49 %)
Water : 100 g (30.89 %)
Smoked salmon: 100 g (30.89 %)
Pepper : 0,75 g (0.23 %)
Lemon juice : 10 g (3.09 %)
Horseradish : 15 g (4.63 %)
Partially whipped cream : 70 g (21.62 %)

1. Cut the smoked salmon and mix with water by using an immersion blender until homogenous.
2. Add the pepper, lemon juice, and horseradish and mix.
3. Blend the TEXTURA™ Tempo B with the olive oil and add to the mixture, mixing for 30 seconds.
4. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and add the whipped cream, while carefully stirring with a hand whisk.
5. Fill the forms and refrigerate for about 2-3 hours at 2-8°C.
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